Fabricate a 90 Degree Elbow from pipe

Fabricate a 90 Degree Elbow from pipe

         Fabricate a 90 Degree Elbow From Pipe


D= Dia of pipe(given)
R= 1.5D/1D/5D As per req
Length of pipe required= Cf/360×Deg of Elbow
Deg cut=Deg/no of pieces (Given)
L1∞L2=(Tan deg of cut)×OD
Cutting mark=(L1∞L2)/2 From divided point


Fabricate a 1.5D and 90 degree elbow 10”OD Sch 40 and make it with 4 no of pieces.

Required Length of pipe to fabricate
OD=10”      =10.75Inch (from pipe sch table)
R=1.5D       =273×1.5=410mm
cF                =2×3.14×410=2576mm
Length of pipe req=cf/360×Deg of elbow
Deg of elbow=90
Length of pipe req =2576/360×90=644mm
Adding cutting and grinding allowances of 15mm its is 659 mm
Deg of cut= Deg/ no of pieces=90/4=22.5
L1∞L2=(Tan Deg cut)×OD=0.414×273=113mm
Cutting mark=(L1∞L2)/2from divided point =56

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